If there is a chance, take a walk to the City of Pati, Central Java. Here, the world of shamanism aka "smart people" recognized as a culture that is as old as civilization itself archipelago. Service users they never subsided amount.
Starch has long been known as the center of the business world unseen. The city is famous known as the headquarters of the Indonesian Paranormal Association, led by Eddy Eddy Rusmanto alias Boss. Pati as the city faces a psychic can also be seen from the rise of large billboards that offer alternative solutions to problems in some corners of the city. In fact, a small town with a population of less than one hundred thousand inhabitants originally known as the city of the retirees. Understandably, deep calm atmosphere. Motion industries echoed arrived at the national level is a crisp bean products of the two companies.
However, Pati on every weekend, hundreds of visitors came from outside. They are the patients who go to a psychic practice there. Where this really comes paranormal? Like a lunkhead in Garut industry, selling the other one went along, so this also happens in Pati. The two popular, others joined sticking. According to their own terms, it is part of the cadre. However, the actual appearance of the paranormal in this city is not chance alone.
Starch has a long history with the unseen world nan sacred. For example, in this city there is the tomb of the famous spiritual leaders in Java, such as Mutamakin, Sheikh Tall, Saridin, Kalijogo Sunan, Sunan Jafar Sodiq (Sunan Kudus), and Sunan Raden Mas Said (Sunan Muria). In addition, in the area of Mount Patiayam decades ago stood colleges led Nyi Senggoropati. People who died in 1987 at the age of 110 years is a teacher for most of the paranormal is now active practice in Pati.
Although seed "the magic" scattered, practically until the last ten years in this city paranormal activity still undergoing their old ways. In 1992, this pattern began to change with the establishment of Indonesian Paranormal Association and Foundation Swakarsa, who both collect paranormal. Circle driven by Eddy Boss, while Swakarsa by Ki Umar. In its development, the Society looks more prominent, consisting of 6,000 people, 1,300 of whom are active in various areas of paranormal business.
Starch recorded in the paranormal open practice there are 15 people. Great success there belonging to seven people: Eddy Boss, Miss Har, Mbah Roso, Anisa Goddess, David Gombak, Goddess Tuberose, and Jeng Asih. They started having some success in 1997. There are several factors that make them soar name. First, their activities began to be covered by the media occult. Along with that, they did not hesitate to advertise. Equally important, the economic crisis increased the number of patients involved. Usually, when the guests come for help not to lose position, selling businesses, and others. Over time, they offer alternative services also increasingly diverse with names that tickle spell.
Average dwelling shamans most successful luxury environment. Terraced house, luxury furniture, and cars lined up in the garage. Eddy Boss, for example, after successfully could have a production house, FM radio transmitter, as well as traditional medicine plants. The boss of this one was like will not be difficult to get fresh funds. Every day, there are at least Rp 10 million posts via notes from patients seeking treatment remotely. That figure is not counting patients who come directly.
Their name adorn the sheet of regular advertisements in the media can also be used as a measure of heresy prosperity. Within a year, at least not a successful shaman budgeted Rp 200 million for advertising spending. This number is usually 20 percent of their total income. As a result, on the average income of a famous shaman around Rp 1 billion annually.
Although not providing direct taxes, paranormal activity is proven fuel economy kegairah Starch. How birdlime, famous shamans are able to bring a lot of visitors from outside the area. Once the number of hotels here only 15 pieces. Now there are 22 hotels of various classes. Most of the hotel guests are also clients paranormal. Guests who come from various backgrounds, ranging entrepreneurs, artists, until officials.
The rise of the occult in the starch business is recognized Boss Eddy extremely proud heart. He wants Pati really so spiritual tourist destinations such as Mount Kawi on the East Java. In fact he did not cover his desire when the current city the nickname officially attributed to the paranormal Starch. Ninik L. Karim, a psychologist at the University of Indonesia, assessing the proliferation of business because the accumulation of matter that can no longer be answered in the ratio, as well as necessity. Insecurity of life for some people need to look for a shortcut alias visiting psychics. According Cholil Bisri, chairman Roudlatut Tholibien Boarding School, Apex, Central Java, every problem has a solution, depending on the person chooses the path of light or vice versa. He considered this phenomenon is a reflection of society restless, though so many true psychics do not cause harm or benefit. "The benefits of them, yes, to enliven the content world," said Cholil as reported in the media.
Probably yes, the world needs them. When all is considered dead-end road, snapping the promise of hope and psychics can provide their own entertainment. For some people, visiting psychics believed to be the most potent effort. For those who do not believe, at least not be published smile when reading the names of the various magical incantations offered by the shaman.
Paranormal has now become a profession. Their work is no longer a sufficient virtue rewarded with thanks. In recent years, the paranormal began to show that this work can be run in a professional manner, utilizing cell phone technology and the internet, and be able to promise an abundance of money. Profile of some paranormal origin Starch below are mirror a changing world shaman. This is a psychic who is on Pati ....
Call Eddy Boss Boss in front of the name indicates stature in the world of the paranormal. In the Indonesian Paranormal Association (PPI), aka Eddy Eddy Rusmanto boss, 42, is referred to as the Great Teacher. A number of students have come and gone, studying at the Association of Alternative Padepokan Indonesia in Pati, which managed so far. Long known as a psychic who changed the image of the world of shamanism into modern profession, Eddy hit the old convention that shaman should not put up rates. He employs four staff were equipped with five computers in order to serve their clients to the fullest. Another breakthrough is the advertising business. Advertising is part of a strategy. Suhartini aka Miss Har adalahistri Eddy, who is also a psychic. Eddy spend $ 200 million a year for promotion. Advertising spending illustrates income. Once installed implant, he could rake in $ 2 million to $ 10 million. For foreign patients, the rates could be rising up to the Rp 50 million to Rp 100 million. Success in the world of shamanism, Eddy expanded its business into the pharmaceutical business, radio stations, children's games, a mini supermarket, and home production. Paranormal concentrated all its business on a land area of 2 hectares. Asset value of approximately USD 6 billion business.
Business was originated billions of trivial matters. In 1983, while still a teenager Eddy responsibility, never denied his love of a girl. Encouraged hurt, Eddy tough to see all those that he finally found in starch. Although the act is made out of the house. Within six months he had mastered the science of pellets. Eddy then studied to K.H. Chambali in Serang, Banten, for three years to seal the immune science. It was unclear whether Eddy pellets using science to woo Miss Har, compatriot sweet-faced girl who is now his wife. Since 1986, Eddy paranormal and officially became desperate to open a hermitage. His father used to throw him and his brother had studied to Eddy. Patients Eddy comes from within and abroad. The boss Eddy increasingly echoing the name of the city as established hermitage Senggoropati Starch, on Jl Raya Pati - Cork 1 A fixed daily crowded with patients, whether they want treatment alternative and spiritual counseling.
A number of students from Padepokan Senggoropati simmering, now acting and rising as a famous metaphysician, some of which are open studios and practice in Pati.
Starch has long been known as the center of the business world unseen. The city is famous known as the headquarters of the Indonesian Paranormal Association, led by Eddy Eddy Rusmanto alias Boss. Pati as the city faces a psychic can also be seen from the rise of large billboards that offer alternative solutions to problems in some corners of the city. In fact, a small town with a population of less than one hundred thousand inhabitants originally known as the city of the retirees. Understandably, deep calm atmosphere. Motion industries echoed arrived at the national level is a crisp bean products of the two companies.
However, Pati on every weekend, hundreds of visitors came from outside. They are the patients who go to a psychic practice there. Where this really comes paranormal? Like a lunkhead in Garut industry, selling the other one went along, so this also happens in Pati. The two popular, others joined sticking. According to their own terms, it is part of the cadre. However, the actual appearance of the paranormal in this city is not chance alone.
Starch has a long history with the unseen world nan sacred. For example, in this city there is the tomb of the famous spiritual leaders in Java, such as Mutamakin, Sheikh Tall, Saridin, Kalijogo Sunan, Sunan Jafar Sodiq (Sunan Kudus), and Sunan Raden Mas Said (Sunan Muria). In addition, in the area of Mount Patiayam decades ago stood colleges led Nyi Senggoropati. People who died in 1987 at the age of 110 years is a teacher for most of the paranormal is now active practice in Pati.
Although seed "the magic" scattered, practically until the last ten years in this city paranormal activity still undergoing their old ways. In 1992, this pattern began to change with the establishment of Indonesian Paranormal Association and Foundation Swakarsa, who both collect paranormal. Circle driven by Eddy Boss, while Swakarsa by Ki Umar. In its development, the Society looks more prominent, consisting of 6,000 people, 1,300 of whom are active in various areas of paranormal business.
Starch recorded in the paranormal open practice there are 15 people. Great success there belonging to seven people: Eddy Boss, Miss Har, Mbah Roso, Anisa Goddess, David Gombak, Goddess Tuberose, and Jeng Asih. They started having some success in 1997. There are several factors that make them soar name. First, their activities began to be covered by the media occult. Along with that, they did not hesitate to advertise. Equally important, the economic crisis increased the number of patients involved. Usually, when the guests come for help not to lose position, selling businesses, and others. Over time, they offer alternative services also increasingly diverse with names that tickle spell.
Average dwelling shamans most successful luxury environment. Terraced house, luxury furniture, and cars lined up in the garage. Eddy Boss, for example, after successfully could have a production house, FM radio transmitter, as well as traditional medicine plants. The boss of this one was like will not be difficult to get fresh funds. Every day, there are at least Rp 10 million posts via notes from patients seeking treatment remotely. That figure is not counting patients who come directly.
Their name adorn the sheet of regular advertisements in the media can also be used as a measure of heresy prosperity. Within a year, at least not a successful shaman budgeted Rp 200 million for advertising spending. This number is usually 20 percent of their total income. As a result, on the average income of a famous shaman around Rp 1 billion annually.
Although not providing direct taxes, paranormal activity is proven fuel economy kegairah Starch. How birdlime, famous shamans are able to bring a lot of visitors from outside the area. Once the number of hotels here only 15 pieces. Now there are 22 hotels of various classes. Most of the hotel guests are also clients paranormal. Guests who come from various backgrounds, ranging entrepreneurs, artists, until officials.
The rise of the occult in the starch business is recognized Boss Eddy extremely proud heart. He wants Pati really so spiritual tourist destinations such as Mount Kawi on the East Java. In fact he did not cover his desire when the current city the nickname officially attributed to the paranormal Starch. Ninik L. Karim, a psychologist at the University of Indonesia, assessing the proliferation of business because the accumulation of matter that can no longer be answered in the ratio, as well as necessity. Insecurity of life for some people need to look for a shortcut alias visiting psychics. According Cholil Bisri, chairman Roudlatut Tholibien Boarding School, Apex, Central Java, every problem has a solution, depending on the person chooses the path of light or vice versa. He considered this phenomenon is a reflection of society restless, though so many true psychics do not cause harm or benefit. "The benefits of them, yes, to enliven the content world," said Cholil as reported in the media.
Probably yes, the world needs them. When all is considered dead-end road, snapping the promise of hope and psychics can provide their own entertainment. For some people, visiting psychics believed to be the most potent effort. For those who do not believe, at least not be published smile when reading the names of the various magical incantations offered by the shaman.
Paranormal has now become a profession. Their work is no longer a sufficient virtue rewarded with thanks. In recent years, the paranormal began to show that this work can be run in a professional manner, utilizing cell phone technology and the internet, and be able to promise an abundance of money. Profile of some paranormal origin Starch below are mirror a changing world shaman. This is a psychic who is on Pati ....
Call Eddy Boss Boss in front of the name indicates stature in the world of the paranormal. In the Indonesian Paranormal Association (PPI), aka Eddy Eddy Rusmanto boss, 42, is referred to as the Great Teacher. A number of students have come and gone, studying at the Association of Alternative Padepokan Indonesia in Pati, which managed so far. Long known as a psychic who changed the image of the world of shamanism into modern profession, Eddy hit the old convention that shaman should not put up rates. He employs four staff were equipped with five computers in order to serve their clients to the fullest. Another breakthrough is the advertising business. Advertising is part of a strategy. Suhartini aka Miss Har adalahistri Eddy, who is also a psychic. Eddy spend $ 200 million a year for promotion. Advertising spending illustrates income. Once installed implant, he could rake in $ 2 million to $ 10 million. For foreign patients, the rates could be rising up to the Rp 50 million to Rp 100 million. Success in the world of shamanism, Eddy expanded its business into the pharmaceutical business, radio stations, children's games, a mini supermarket, and home production. Paranormal concentrated all its business on a land area of 2 hectares. Asset value of approximately USD 6 billion business.
Business was originated billions of trivial matters. In 1983, while still a teenager Eddy responsibility, never denied his love of a girl. Encouraged hurt, Eddy tough to see all those that he finally found in starch. Although the act is made out of the house. Within six months he had mastered the science of pellets. Eddy then studied to K.H. Chambali in Serang, Banten, for three years to seal the immune science. It was unclear whether Eddy pellets using science to woo Miss Har, compatriot sweet-faced girl who is now his wife. Since 1986, Eddy paranormal and officially became desperate to open a hermitage. His father used to throw him and his brother had studied to Eddy. Patients Eddy comes from within and abroad. The boss Eddy increasingly echoing the name of the city as established hermitage Senggoropati Starch, on Jl Raya Pati - Cork 1 A fixed daily crowded with patients, whether they want treatment alternative and spiritual counseling.
A number of students from Padepokan Senggoropati simmering, now acting and rising as a famous metaphysician, some of which are open studios and practice in Pati.
Mbah Roso The Prince of Mercy, so nicknamed because of its ability to deliver Imam Suroso aji-aji loving. Although only 36 years old, he was popularly known as Mbah Roso. In addition to being psychic, Suroso secondary professions such as police officers based at Police Regional (Polwil) Pati, Central Java. Specialization Suroso is conquering the hearts of people, from heart mengajuk superiors about that career is not threatened, the problem mate, popularize the business, to reconcile the spouses. Weapons flagship certainly not guns or tear gas is Milled Puter Science. Patients consisted of officials, artists, and entrepreneurs. Some public figures also visited Suroso while requesting the shaman conceal their identity. This group usually leaves a business card in the workspace Suroso after giving the code "RHS" secret alias on the card. Suroso manage its business in a modern way: 10 employees helped Suroso handle administration and finance. In his office there is a fax and six computers equipped with Internet and e-mail? Most patients do consult via e-mail. Father of two children inherited supernatural abilities of her grandmother, Sugiyah one famous shaman in Pati in 1976. He has taught at a junior high in starch for two years before switching to the police profession. He deepened his knowledge of the boss Eddy and a number of prominent scholars, such as KH Sahal Mahfudz and K.H. Mustafa Bisri. Men who diligently mutih fasting and pilgrimage to Mecca's already admitted his knowledge does not deviate from the teachings of Islam. Since 1990, with the permission of his superiors in Polwil Pati, he set up practice in a professional paranormal Padepokan Earth Walisongo, Pati. Suroso earned Rp 10 million to Rp 12 million per month of practice in Pati and Jakarta.
Jeng Asih career transition Suhartini aka Jeng Asih, 35 years old, not half-hearted: from a madrassa teacher sanawiah, he'd "metamorphosis" to "Queen of Implant Indonesia" as well as experts to fix the sex organs of women. With the potion, he admitted that he could "juggle" a middle-aged woman as virgin Tingting. Roso Mbah wife is using the implant as a "weapon" flagship. She created a multipurpose implant of steel, gold, and other metals are "filled" with the mantra and prayer for beauty, increase male sexual potency, or ward off witchcraft. Suhartini gain psychic abilities from her uncle, Jupri, in 1975. He also studied at the boss Eddy. Islamic teaching profession in 1996 because he tanggalkan paranormal profession is more promising than public servants. Every time practicing, Suhartini serve 30-40 patients, both in Jakarta and in Pati. Aka dowry exchange rates are pegged Suhartini moving between $ 200 thousand and $ 1 million. Every month a woman's claim to be pocketed Rp 20 million. Basis of Islamic religious education he gained while mole in Maslakul Huda Islamic School belongs to KH Sahal Mahfudz and boarding K.H. Mustafa Bisri make a lot of digging Suhartini Islam to enrich the literary treasures of paranormal abilities.
Tuberose Goddess economic crisis not only makes people run to the paranormal world, but also gave birth to the paranormal. Kasiyati Siti, 48, is one such example. At first, she was looking for a fortune as a building contractor in Pati and surrounding areas. When the economic crisis hit its business in 1999, the mother of three children was not losing my mind. Siti immediately "turn" him into healers. His specialty? Fix the sexual organs of women. This new venture proved to be a bestseller. Officials became regular customers every woman he opened practice at Mega Hotel, Central Jakarta. Siti Dewi Kasiyati aka Tuberose charging between $ 500 thousand and $ 1.5 million for each patient. Once practice in Pati, Ghost, or Jakarta, Dewi be pocketed Rp 5 million. This woman also served telemedicine. He claimed to have received about 55 letters from patients from Papua, Ambon, Makassar, Bandung, Medan, and also from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Australia every day. Mbah Roso brother is already proficient massaging the nerves and mix herbs since 1971. When the construction business hit by the crisis, urged him to switch professions Suroso-choice proved to be wrong.
David Gombak Capitalize high school diploma, Faith David Kristian, 45, had worked odd jobs and a transport driver. He also had a compactor and frivolous way of life. One day, an old lady hitchhiking angkutannya touched to see the state of David. The woman, Mrs. Senggoropati, then gave him the knowledge linuih. "Science can be used as money," David imitating what the lady said to her. Long story short, David later studied at the Mistress: he mastered a variety of aji loving, white magic, black magic even. But, until his teacher's death, David never able to use their knowledge to find money. Encounter with an occult magazine journalist in Surabaya in 1992 changed the course of life paranormal. That journalists are "baptized" into a professional psychic. Since then, the name David Kristian Faith transforms into David Gombak. The last name is the nickname for the descendants of Chinese who have excess. Then, what is the advantage of practicing? He mastered the science Lamuran Anjasmara believed to maintain one's physical condition. About 60 percent of users Lamuran Anjasmara are celebrities that we often see on television. Now teachers have proven late greeting. Every month he admitted obtaining millions of dollars from the practice round in some major cities. Half the income he used to pay for advertising in the mass media.
Mbah Yitno Retired civil servants are typical of past shamans who never asked for payment. Prayitno (Mbah Yitno full name), 56 years old, not to bill their services. Whatever he's giving patients receive. Not surprisingly, he often receives the exact amount of Rp 10 thousand or $ 20 thousand at his office in Kampung Dosuman, Pati Village East. Yitno just ask patients to pay when the service he gives is implant? Whose material prices are expensive. Patients Prayitno to spread far beyond Pati. However, modern communications technology allows Yitno reading spells from a distance of thousands of miles with a medium (water glass). Problem mate, career, business, and the descent is her specialty since Prayitno be paranormal in 1991. (Source: TEMPO and other sources in the media).
Diposting Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib judul yang direwiew pati city paranormal ISI POSTING ...................... .................. rating 4,5
Jeng Asih career transition Suhartini aka Jeng Asih, 35 years old, not half-hearted: from a madrassa teacher sanawiah, he'd "metamorphosis" to "Queen of Implant Indonesia" as well as experts to fix the sex organs of women. With the potion, he admitted that he could "juggle" a middle-aged woman as virgin Tingting. Roso Mbah wife is using the implant as a "weapon" flagship. She created a multipurpose implant of steel, gold, and other metals are "filled" with the mantra and prayer for beauty, increase male sexual potency, or ward off witchcraft. Suhartini gain psychic abilities from her uncle, Jupri, in 1975. He also studied at the boss Eddy. Islamic teaching profession in 1996 because he tanggalkan paranormal profession is more promising than public servants. Every time practicing, Suhartini serve 30-40 patients, both in Jakarta and in Pati. Aka dowry exchange rates are pegged Suhartini moving between $ 200 thousand and $ 1 million. Every month a woman's claim to be pocketed Rp 20 million. Basis of Islamic religious education he gained while mole in Maslakul Huda Islamic School belongs to KH Sahal Mahfudz and boarding K.H. Mustafa Bisri make a lot of digging Suhartini Islam to enrich the literary treasures of paranormal abilities.
Tuberose Goddess economic crisis not only makes people run to the paranormal world, but also gave birth to the paranormal. Kasiyati Siti, 48, is one such example. At first, she was looking for a fortune as a building contractor in Pati and surrounding areas. When the economic crisis hit its business in 1999, the mother of three children was not losing my mind. Siti immediately "turn" him into healers. His specialty? Fix the sexual organs of women. This new venture proved to be a bestseller. Officials became regular customers every woman he opened practice at Mega Hotel, Central Jakarta. Siti Dewi Kasiyati aka Tuberose charging between $ 500 thousand and $ 1.5 million for each patient. Once practice in Pati, Ghost, or Jakarta, Dewi be pocketed Rp 5 million. This woman also served telemedicine. He claimed to have received about 55 letters from patients from Papua, Ambon, Makassar, Bandung, Medan, and also from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Australia every day. Mbah Roso brother is already proficient massaging the nerves and mix herbs since 1971. When the construction business hit by the crisis, urged him to switch professions Suroso-choice proved to be wrong.
David Gombak Capitalize high school diploma, Faith David Kristian, 45, had worked odd jobs and a transport driver. He also had a compactor and frivolous way of life. One day, an old lady hitchhiking angkutannya touched to see the state of David. The woman, Mrs. Senggoropati, then gave him the knowledge linuih. "Science can be used as money," David imitating what the lady said to her. Long story short, David later studied at the Mistress: he mastered a variety of aji loving, white magic, black magic even. But, until his teacher's death, David never able to use their knowledge to find money. Encounter with an occult magazine journalist in Surabaya in 1992 changed the course of life paranormal. That journalists are "baptized" into a professional psychic. Since then, the name David Kristian Faith transforms into David Gombak. The last name is the nickname for the descendants of Chinese who have excess. Then, what is the advantage of practicing? He mastered the science Lamuran Anjasmara believed to maintain one's physical condition. About 60 percent of users Lamuran Anjasmara are celebrities that we often see on television. Now teachers have proven late greeting. Every month he admitted obtaining millions of dollars from the practice round in some major cities. Half the income he used to pay for advertising in the mass media.
Mbah Yitno Retired civil servants are typical of past shamans who never asked for payment. Prayitno (Mbah Yitno full name), 56 years old, not to bill their services. Whatever he's giving patients receive. Not surprisingly, he often receives the exact amount of Rp 10 thousand or $ 20 thousand at his office in Kampung Dosuman, Pati Village East. Yitno just ask patients to pay when the service he gives is implant? Whose material prices are expensive. Patients Prayitno to spread far beyond Pati. However, modern communications technology allows Yitno reading spells from a distance of thousands of miles with a medium (water glass). Problem mate, career, business, and the descent is her specialty since Prayitno be paranormal in 1991. (Source: TEMPO and other sources in the media).
Diposting Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib judul yang direwiew pati city paranormal ISI POSTING ...................... .................. rating 4,5